
A “wakf” is an “Islamic trust” that helped the Ottoman Administration to provide essential social services to citizens, also crucial for regulating urban communities. This paper focuses on the case of the Muhammad Ali Pasha wakf in Kavala, Greece, and covers a variety of its dimensions: planning legislation, architectural heritage, and urban renewal. It is based on a previous article of the authors, which is updated, revised, and modified here, by giving emphasis to the architectural elements of the main building of the Kavala wakf, Imaret, the techniques and processes of its restoration, and even more, to its integration to the functions of its host city of Kavala. The original research was based on bibliographical research, interviews, on site visits, and the personal experiences of the authors. Bibliographical research included historical references, articles relating Imaret to urban regeneration and architectural renewal, and articles about the research projects of MOHA – the cultural organization of Imaret. Interviews were taken from the directorial team of Imaret, from city administrators of the Municipality of Kavala, the architects involved in the restoration process, and from the local community. Visits and photographic data covered the periods of Imaret before, during, and after its restoration.


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